Our Wireless for PLC expansion is here and you can learn how to integrate it with a Machine Learning solution using Edge Impulse in an upcoming webinar.
The buzz around the Arduino Opta® is tangible, providing an easy-to-use and secure micro PLC at a dramatically lower price than its competition. You've heard me say this before, but here at Blues we couldn't be more excited to partner with Arduino on the Wireless for PLC expansion that provides cellular connectivity for the Opta®.
Even better? We're also teaming up with Arduino and Edge Impulse on a webinar that showcases the Opta® running an ML solution to provide anomaly detection, cloud connectivity, and real-time alerts. Register for the webinar here!
P.S. Check out some real world products being built by our partners at No Strings Attached on October 3rd.
Rob Lauer - Developer Relations
New LoRa Accelerators
The Blues Accelerators are 40+ purpose-built (and open source) IoT solutions built around Notecard and Notehub. We recently overhauled many of our LoRa-based projects to use the Notecard LoRa.