This was, to say the least, a big month for Blues Wireless! We released two new products (Sparrow and Notecarrier-F), a Notecard firmware update, new Notehub APIs, AND a myriad Hackster tutorials to inspire your next IoT project.
This is an exciting upgrade for Adafruit Feather MCU users! The Notecarrier-F is a massive upgrade from the AF, including a rebuilt electrical system, Qwiic ports, and a slimmer design. Read the blog post for details.
Why buy 10 different Notecards to track 10 different sensors? Sparrow is a development toolkit that helps you lower costs by using shared cellular or Wi-Fi connectivity with a cluster of low-cost LoRa sensors. Read the blog and consult a Hackster tutorial.
We have more Notecard-based projects to share from Hackster! Follow this road trip tracker 🚗 (uses the new Notecarrier-F), a smart leak detector 💧, and a sustainable self-powered water flow meter 🚰 (runner-up in a Hackster contest).